It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary. [Mandy Hale]
You are not alone in this. Just remember that. There are millions of other ladies struggling and trying and motivating themselves to get there too.
I wanted to touch on the basics of what I was eating before conceiving. It’s something that becomes such a huge part of your life that it can be surprising how easy it is to lose it. I wouldn’t say how I eat has changed that much (especially now that I’m long gone from the first trimester) but I am definitely focusing more on foods that will help me to stay strong through labour and delivery.
When I started this blog I really wanted to share what I had learned from the books I had read and the research I had done. It is so easy to get overwhelmed with all the information that is out there. It’s even more overwhelming to go onto any type of fertility/pregnancy forum and try to decipher all the messages women post on what is and isn’t good for you. So many people hold opinions when all you really want is someone to tell you plain and simple “here are some great things you can be eating that will (actually) help you on your journey to pregnancy”. So, I did just that.
There is a simple way of starting. There are simple foods to eat that will help nourish and strengthen your body. There are simple foods that will help to eliminate toxins and simple foods that will help you to create super strong eggs. It’s a ‘whole food’ way of eating and one that takes a little bit of focus to do but is by no means impossible. If you haven’t already heard of or checked out the 21 day Holistic Eating and Living Journey, then I encourage you to do so! It was a lifestyle plan that I came up with in an effort to focus on eating and living to make a baby.
What I’ve done here is a little re-cap on the things that I included / eliminated from my diet when I was eating for fertility. The four main points I focused on are:
- Eat regular meals and snacks. Listen to your body. You’ll know when you need to eat!
- Eat ORGANIC – If we’re not putting hormones in our mouth in the form of birth control then why are we putting hormones in our mouth in the form of food!
- Eat LOCAL – Things get picked early and stored improperly causing fruits/vegetables to lose their nutrient qualities. Try to eat as close to home as possible to minimize the damage and loss of nutrients!
- Try to cut out all refined sugar / alcohol / caffeine.
Other than that, here are the basic food groups that I was including on a daily basis when trying to make a baby!
1. Organic fruits and vegetables
2. Whole grains ( Wild/Brown Rice, Whole Oats, Bulgar, Millet, Buckwheat )
3. Healthy Fats ( Coconut Oil, Avocado, Whole Nuts/Seeds, Nut Oils )
4. Animal Protein ( Grass Fed/Organic Meats/Poultry/Fish )
5. Plant Protein ( Lentils, Beans, Hemp Seeds, Spirulina, Nut Milks)
6. Organic Dairy
Because I am not a chef extraordinaire, my goal is to collaborate with a really amazing girlfriend (who does happen to be a chef extraordinaire and nutritionist) to create more of a standardized recipe guide to help navigate you through this part of your journey. In the mean time I’ll be introducing a few practitioners on the blog to help give you some personal advice on what has helped their clients! I encourage anyone that is on their fertility journey to check out the 21 day Holistic Eating and Living Journey and to try it out on their own. If you want to read about my first experience with it, you can check it out here.
Image via Bret Cole Photography
I will conceive a happy and healthy child.
I will have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
I will give birth to a happy and healthy child.
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