After my cycle in February I remember having a conversation with my Naturopath about the role of caffeine in relation to fertility and conception. I’m not a doctor nor do I know a ton about the topic but I do know that from what I had read, caffeine could be affecting my hormones and hindering my cycles. So, as a trial run, I decided to eliminate caffeine from my diet. I really only had one cup of black tea a day but I was finding it was actually starting to make my heart race and make me a little jittery so cutting it out wasn’t the worst thing.
I know for some of you, the thought of eliminating caffeine can be very scary, if not impossible in thought but I promise you it’s not as hard as it looks. If you drink a few cups a day start slowly just by reducing the number of cups you drink in a day. When you’ve got yourself down to one, try to substitute black tea for coffee, this can be easier because you can ‘doctor’ black tea the same way you can coffee. After you’re comfortable here, try including green and herbal teas into your regular routine so you get used to the idea. This could be a cup of green tea in the morning, or a cup of chai tea in the early afternoon. There are no limits when it comes to tea in my life! Finally, eliminate the black tea and substitute in green and herbal teas. The last step will be to rid yourself of caffeinated tea completely but better to go slowly! I am now in my fourth month of no caffeine and find I have more natural energy throughout the day than I did before.
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