June 11, 2014

Day 10 – Timing

Timing. This can be the most frustrating part of the whole adventure. When is the right time. Is there a right time. Trying to not try. Or consistently trying with no results. I love the above quote because I think it relates back to my other favourite quote “if someone throws you a ball you don’t have to catch it”.  At any given point we all have a million different things going on. It might be that your job is perfect but your body isn’t ready. Or your ready to have a baby but you don’t have a job. Putting the onus on yourself to figure all of these tiny pieces out at the same time can be exhausting. In fact it is exhausting. I usually know I’m run down when my body starts to give me signs of a urinary tract infection. For whatever reason that’s what my body does when it’s trying to tell me to slow down. It proves the point that no matter how much you slow down, your racing head can catch up to you and it will let your body know. 

I’ve been working on this one for a while. How to help your brain catch up with your body’s physical and emotional effort to quiet yourself. No matter how much you want to do something, no matter how slow you try to move, that head is always thinking, one step, or many steps ahead, or to the left and right. I find the tightness in the chest feeling creeping in which I immediately recognize as a sign that I need to slow my head down. It’s usually when I’m doing too many things at the same time. I talked about it here a little bit. This isn’t a good thing. Ideally we want to slow ourselves down so much that we don’t get the tightness in the chest to begin with. 

I find that when I’m feeling like this, taking a moment to sit down and be still helps a lot, at least as a start. The best thing for sure is movement though. As soon as I’m in a yoga class and I’m moving my body I forget about the million things circling in my head and focus on trying to balance or trying to sit up tall. This might not be the case for you. Maybe it’s a run outside, maybe it’s dancing to your favourite song. Whatever it is, find that tool that works for you so that when you’re heads racing faster than you can handle you can SLOW IT RIGHT DOWN. 

One of my favourite bloggers, Sydney Poulton of The Daybook Blog once wrote a post on being busy. This is a little excerpt from it:

Of course, busyness is an essential and inevitable part of making a living or raising a family. But it’s the pace that I find the most challenging to manage. I find myself working in unhealthy bursts of on and off. An imbalance of a high-intensity push and a guilt-ridden calm. 

I love how she describes busyness. Unhealthy bursts of on and off. It’s exactly how I feel when I’m trying to do to many things at the same time. While we’re on the path to balancing our hormones and our bodies to get ready to ‘try’ to conceive, think about letting go every once in a while.

Listening to your head, or letting your head and your mind take over can be the very thing that makes ‘trying’ difficult. A big part of me believes that there will never be the perfect absolute right time. Letting go of the bursts of imbalances, of highs and lows, of guilt and of calmness, try to find a place where you don’t ‘try’ to figure anything out. 

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