June 12, 2014

Day 11 – Things we like Part 1

We’re a big fan of music that makes us smile. Music that makes us want to move and dance. The best is when you find a song you want to blast so loud you can’t help but to smile with every cell in your body. My husband always teases me that when I find a song I like I play the sh*&t out of it. Literally. On repeat, all the time. I hit it and then I quit it. Sorry love but that’s not changing anytime soon! When you find a tune that hits that moment that you’re experiencing there is literally nothing better. It helps you move through it and get out on the other side with a better attitude. Music has always been a part of my family. Waking up on Saturday mornings my dad would blast Jimmy Hendrix or Etta James to get us all out of bed. Something about the mix of music and volume that made you know it was going to be a good day. This is a new album I’ve become a big fan of (above). And then there are classics. One that you know and can sing to and slow move to (below). I’m going to keep trying to inject a little music into the blog depending on the day and what’s going on. Today, these are what’s coming out of my speakers.

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