June 14, 2014

Day 13 – Vitamins + Minerals Part 1

“We are only as healthy as our mother’s womb”

I’ve talked a little bit about vitamins, minerals and supplementation here but I wanted to dive into the why of some of the things we should be taking before trying to conceive! As I mentioned before, trying to include these into your diet in whole food form is best when possible! Another thought would be to get all vitamin/mineral levels checked by your naturopath before trying to conceive. It’s so important to know if you are deficient in anything so that you can get your body up to it’s optimal functioning zone for making a baby! 

I guess the one thing that I do want to say is try not to let this or any other information stress you out. I know it’s easy to say that but seriously. There is so much literature and so much information to take in through this entire process so just try your best to s l o w d o w n. Read the 21 day holistic eating and living journey food section. If you are eating a whole foods, nutrient dense diet you are going to be just fine! This is just a little fyi post that I thought some of you might find interesting. If you have any questions let me know!

Vitamins can be broken down into two main categories- water and fat soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are nutrients that dissolve and are stored in fat within the body and are released over time as needed. These include vitamins A, D, E and K. Water soluble nutrients are eliminated on a regular basis and therefore it’s necessary to maintain a good daily intake of them. Water soluble vitamins include the B complex group and vitamin C. 


VITAMIN A – This vitamin can be found in both plant and animal sources. In plant sources it is called betacarotene, and in animal sources it is known as retinol. Retinol is the ‘active’ form of the nutrient and is found most richly in liver (which is where it is stored in the body). Betacarotene is considered a provitamin, meaning that your body must break it down into vitamin A before it can be used. In pre-conception mode, vitamin A is believed to boost fertility by promoting better cervical fluid. Getting adequate vitamin A in your diet helps to assure you that your cervical fluid will be a sperm-nourishing, fertile consistency. It also said to increase the amount of fertile fluid.

Animal Sources: Liver, Whole Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Unprocessed Butter 

Plant Sources: Carrots, Sweet Potato, Melon, Pumpkin, Mango, Asparagus, Spinach, Seaweed 

VITAMIN D- One of my favourite vitamins, D can be made in the skin in the presence of sunlight! Vitamin D deficiency has been noted as a potential reason of infertility. Why?  You need it in order for your body to produce sex hormones, and without the right amount of hormones in your body, you can suffer from PCOS and infertility. Our bodies need ample amounts of this essential vitamin in order to produce estrogen (in both men and women) as well as for insulin production. When pregnant, Vitamin D requirements can increase up to fix times to facilitate the extra calcium required for fetal skeletal growth. Get all of your levels checked before you start trying to conceive to make sure you aren’t deficient! 

Animal Sources: Fatty fish, eggs, and organic grass fed meat and dairy products

Plant/Environmental Sources: As most of you know, you can also get vitamin D from the sun. About 15-20 minutes of exposure (without sunblock as it blocks the ultraviolet light needed for vitamin D production) a day can be very beneficial. The sun actually causes your skin to produce vitamin D3 which is then converted by the liver and kidneys to the active hormone form of vitamin D. 

VITAMIN E- Vitamin E is the cell protector and fertility goddess in the vitamin world. As an antioxidant it helps to get oxygen to the cells and protect the vital DNA + RNA from damage which could eventually result in birth defects for your baby. In fertility, vitamin E is important for general reproductive function and health. Since all of our reproductive hormones and organs are made up of cells which can be affected by free radical damage, ensuring a good level of Vitamin E in the body will help to make sure that these damaging cells don’t get very far! If these cells get attacked or are less than optimal, the organs, ovum, eggs, etc. will not be functioning at their best. The best sources of vitamin E are the vegetable and seed or nut oils.

Animal Sources: Whole butter, pasteurized eggs, whole milk, organ meats

Plant/Environmental Sources: Whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, avocados, dark leafy greens, unrefined vegetable and seed oils (ex: wheat germ oil) 

VITAMIN K- Vitamin K is crucial for it’s blood clotting capabilities. Your body manufactures a protein called prothrombin which makes your blood clot and is used in the body to prevent and control excessive bleeding. In adults, prothrombin is normally created by healthy bacteria in the gut. We can consume foods rich in Vitamin K1 + 2, however when a baby is born, their gut is sterile, meaning they must rely on the mother’s supply until they are able to produce their own outside of the womb. Breast milk and food can help you to maintain a healthy supply of K to ensure your baby gets a good level after birth before they start producing it on their own! You will read about this more later, especially if you are giving birth in Canada, but take note on the vitamin K injection that both hospitals and midwives give to babies at birth. In relation to fertility, Vitamin K works with two other fat soluble vitamins—A and D to help regulate your menstrual cycle and your body effectively absorb nutrients. 

Animal Sources: Grass-fed animal fats, cheese, whole fat butter and eggs 

Plant/Environmental Sources:  dark leafy greens, tomatoes, chickpeas, fermented foods, strawberries, alfalfa, cauliflower  

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