June 9, 2014

Day 8 – Like a dream

It’s like a dream sometimes. You come home and there’s a tiny note left for you somewhere. 


It could say that. Or it could say anything. It could just say HI. It’s the fact that someone is thinking about you SO much that they did that tiny little thing called writing a love note. That’s what I call them at least. My husband and I started writing love notes after we left each other for the first time. I had to leave the city where we were both living. We didn’t know when we would see each other again. My flight was at 7am so I stayed up all night long packing and getting organized while he got a little bit of sleep before taking me to the airport. I planted twenty small post it notes in spots that he wouldn’t find immediately. In the toes of shoes, in the back pockets of pants, in between plates in the kitchen. They didn’t say much, just little thoughts or words to let him know that I was thinking about him. 

On this little journey we’re finding ways to nourish ourselves. For some of us, part of ourselves includes a partner of some kind. Someone who’s in it with you. I was reading Aviva Romm’s  “The Natural Pregnancy Book” last night and she has a chapter on the importance of including your partner in your pregnancy. If we apply this to our life right now I think it’s just about remembering the basic awesomeness of love. That horribly cheesy moment in The Notebook that we all probably get teary at ( you know the one…when they’re in that dreamy pond in the rowboat, in the rain.) Life isn’t always the most wonderful. And we’re not always head over heels for our partners but finding the small little things that we can do for them, or they can do for us is what makes the difference.

So this is an ode to laughing together, holding hands and writing love notes. Try to incorporate some part of this, whatever works for you, this week. We’re on day 8 now, just over a week in and although I’ve had some tough moments, I would say the most amazing times I’ve had so far have been with the guy I’m connected to. Taking  a walk up the street, wrapping our arms around each others waist. Taking a moment to get up from my desk when he gets home to give him a kiss and say hello. This is the person that most likely will become your biggest support, your biggest fan and the one that gets to talk to your growing belly. So, on our second week try to find the ways that work for you to make your love known. 



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