November 22, 2014

a few small things

Making: our new home feel like ours
Cooking: again! feels so good after months of it feeling like such a challenge
Drinking: a lot of water and a lot of delicious mama tea 
Reading: mindful birthing and digging through old emails
Wanting: my little sister to come home for Christmas already!
Looking: at my changing belly and body 
Playing: one of my favourite early morning albums, Riceboy Sleeps by Jonsi + Alex
Wasting: probably too much time on the internet
Wishing: for a new delicious musky smelling candle
Enjoying: early mornings by myself
Waiting: for Spring with the tiny person
Liking: crawling into bed early
Wondering: what on earth they will be like
Loving: laughing a lot with my husband these days
Hoping: for a very snowy white Christmas 
Marveling: at how awesome our bodies are
Needing: a few pairs of maternity jeans
Wearing: cozy wool socks and big chunky knit sweaters
Following: a few of my favourite mama bloggers
Noticing: pregnant mamas and babies everywhere
Knowing: that there is going to be so much love surrounding this baby
Thinking: about what this tiny person is going to be like
Bookmarking: lots of delicious baby things
Opening: myself up to embracing each and every new day
Giggling: when I feel tiny flutters in my belly
Feeling: really really really lucky


  • Kathrine Vigdel says:

    Absolutely LOVE all of this and am totally copying that list to write out for myself! So exciting days for you … <3

  • jen mal says:


    You wrote a post about the decision whether or not to share pregnancy news in the first trimester. You didn’t share your pregnancy on your blog until your second trimester, but did you decide to tell your loved ones earlier than that?

    • Valentina says:

      Hi Jen! We decided to tell our immediate family and a few of our closest friends just after we found out. It’s a really hard secret to keep and having their support made getting through the first trimester that much easier. I think its a personal decision that is so different for everyone so listening and doing what feels right to you (and your partner) is the most important!

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