I’ve been talking a lot to my best friend lately about feeling things – emotionally and physically. For some people it’s just a little, or if you’re like me,
A place to learn to love your whole self.
I use words and breathwork to guide, support & inspire.
I’ve been talking a lot to my best friend lately about feeling things – emotionally and physically. For some people it’s just a little, or if you’re like me,
Over Christmas holidays I stumbled upon this local farm‘s Instagram feed and quickly found myself devouring their website. After a bit of exploring I saw that they were holding a series of different workshops at the farm –
A clean house. Laundry done. Dishes cleaned and put away. Fridge and pantry stocked. Baby asleep. Nutrient rich breakfast, hot cup of tea. Emails. Work. Childcare. Stay at home mom.
sup·port (səˈpôrt): bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
When I think back to my birth experience there is this one moment that I always come back to.