Thank you to all the ladies who came out and shared their thoughts, love and wisdom with us! I can hardly wait to host my next seasonal dinner in the New Year!
A place to learn to love your whole self.
I use words and breathwork to guide, support & inspire.
Thank you to all the ladies who came out and shared their thoughts, love and wisdom with us! I can hardly wait to host my next seasonal dinner in the New Year!
“In our experience, the mothers who stay particularly healthy postpartum are the ones who allow themselves to sleep as much as they feel necessary. Most say that they took two- to three-hour naps every day for the first six months of their babies’
eating / home made butternut squash soup with roasted apples
drinking / the fixer elixir from The Fix + Co
practicing / listening to my inner voice
mastering / home made fall applesauce
reminding / myself that i am in charge of my own happiness
listening to / Al Green on Vinyl
finishing / the final details of the Fall Mama Gatherings-stay tuned!