Is there anything better than a deep and moody Nina Simone song on a day where you just need to dive in and feel?
I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection and in the first few pages she talks about what it means to dig deep.
A place to learn to love your whole self.
I use words and breathwork to guide, support & inspire.
Is there anything better than a deep and moody Nina Simone song on a day where you just need to dive in and feel?
I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection and in the first few pages she talks about what it means to dig deep.
When I think about accepting my whole self a few things come to mind . The biggest one being that there’s room to improve – that there’s actually so much to work on,
Today I am embracing 21 days and grey space.
I am embracing a body that is aching, and growing and that after a week of my kid and my husband being sick,
As I sit here for the first time in a long time not being able to sleep, I’m embracing the early morning. Something I haven’t done (quite this early) in a long time –